We are Canadian, eh? With servers in Canada.
We are Canadian , eh?

What is Cloud Hosting?

What is Cloud Hosting?

The term “cloud” is used a lot these days on the internet. You have probably heard of cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft’s OneDrive.  These services provide storage for your files that can be accessible from many devices. Cloud hosting is somewhat different as it consists of CPU, memory and storage resources.

Our cloud servers use virtualized environments of resources provided by large physical servers called hypervisors. Each server sits beside the others on the hypervisor, fully isolated from each other. Add to this the isolation provided by CloudLinux and you have a great shared hosting platform.

But wait a minute, the more technical minded of  you say.  This sounds just like traditional Virtual Private Servers or VPS. Yes, so far, it does.  In fact we call one of our products a VPS to use a familiar terminology. But a cloud server has some added benefits to traditional VPS.

  • Near limitless flexibility with resource sizes.
  • On the fly resource upgrades.
  • Significantly better redundancy
  • Centralized redundant storage

The first two allow us to upgrade (or downgrade) server specifications quickly. The second two  allow a cloud server to be hosted on any hypervisor or migrated to another one because data is stored not on local hard drives but on a centralized storage system called a SAN.

This is the system we use to host our shared servers and higher end hosting products. If you have any questions just let us know.

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