We are Canadian, eh? With servers in Canada.
We are Canadian , eh?

Upgrade in our Backup System (February 27th)

Upgrade in our Backup System (February 27th)

Hi once again. In the coming days we will be making a major version upgrade in the software we use to maintain backups. Our current system in running R1Soft’s CDP 2.0. After the upgrade we will running CDP 3.0. Version 3.0 has a number of improvements to the backend and underlying technology to make it more scalable, faster and more reliable. As well, for those of you who restore your own backups, the control panel experience has improved. We will have more details on that after the update.

To set up the new version we may have to eliminate our last 10 restore points from version 2.0 as they are not compatible. We will try to keep what we can.

This migration will take place on Monday, February 27th starting at 11am PST.  Please note that no action is required by our customers.